Wed 10.Oct.2012
Rhodes, Greece

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Yesterday afternoon the breeze cooled sharply. Today the sky is decked grey, with an off-and-on drizzle. When a decent break comes, I will stroll up to "Umbrella Street" and get one.

That isn't it's formal name, but a single shopping block in the new town has six or more umbrella stores. This happens in Greece; For example, I know a street in Athens that specializes in shoe stores. The practice has to be useful for comparison shopping.

So... from what turned out to be the last couple of summer days, here we are.
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Late sun on a slightly hazy afternoon in the new town.

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The New Market as it is called, was built in the 1930's by the Italians during their occupation of Rhodes. Today it is full of tacky souvenir shops, fast food shops, bland tourist restaurants along the harborward side, and a couple of news stands with enough class to carry The Economist.

I walk up there often.

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I explored the inside of this old wreck of a school building a year or two ago. I didn't know at the time that it had been a school. I only learned that from the sign out front now saying that it is being restored.

Dang Greek crisis! They cannot even keep the horizon level on the ocean any more.

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A car makes slow tenacious progress along Ippodamou Street, named for the Athenian architect and urban planner who laid out the original city of Rhodes, back in the 300's B.C.

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