Sunday 13.Feb.2011
Rhodes, Greece
Winter light in the trees.
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An abandoned 1930's-looking building, off the beaten trail. I became curious to see what lay behind it.

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An overgrown field and... the entrance. Wide open - somebody obviously thought that no careless wanderers would get this far.

That is not my camera; The shadow really does lose focus as it spreads along the wall. This is a sharp photo of a fuzzy shadow.

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If tourists wander in here in significant numbers, it is only a matter of time before some fool hurts himself badly.

Yes, that is our old friend Suleiman's Minaret outside the window.

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Awwright, everybody back outside!
The moon does not rise only behind arches;  here it is, rising behind Ibrahim Pasha's minaret.

Forgotten Rhodes
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Another residential neighborhood, not on the way to or from anywhere else, back against the city wall. It finally ocurred to me to explore the labyrinth of narrow streets. Many abandonded properties amongst the modest inhabited ones, including yet another decaying little mosque, which did not offer any pictures.

But this open blue gate led to a large, decaying old mansion, with former gardens, Ottoman-style balconies, mosaic entry walk, and even a shaggy black dog who loved to have a stick thrown for him. I imagine he lives nearby. He has the personality of a kept dog.

There is also a passage leading into the city wall. Presumably it connects with something. The battlements above? The maze of passages under the city?  Is there a way through to the moat? If I were not leaving so soon, I would get some decent flashlights (yes, plural!) and explore at least a little. Hmm... not only lights - also a ball of string to unravel behind me. It was good enough for Theseus, and I have no desire to shorten my life unnecessarily in a dark labyrinth. Hmm.. you don't s'pose there is a minotaur in there?
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