Fri 18.Feb.11
Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Whee!  A Greek island this ain't, not least because nobody understands Greek.
Welcome to Spain!
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Here we are in the big city, in a pension on the second floor -- European counting: ground floor = zero -- of an old multi-story  building in a central district called Barri Gotic (Gothic Quarter).

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Park Güell, my first must-see attraction, is about 20 minutes walk uphill from the nearest Metro station. This is a modern-looking part of town.

An honest to goodness escalator in the sidewalk for a particularly steep block! A godsend. (Where was it's counterpart on the climb out of the Metro station?  Out of order, I think, perhaps because they are constructing a new station for a new line.)

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Bocce Ball!
Been years since I last saw old men playing bocce ball in a park, I think in Madrid or southern France. Maybe Italian Switzerland.

Anyway, it is a good heart-warming sight. I wonder what they call it here? Probably not bocce ball - that sounds improbably Italian for Spain.

Park Güell
(Pronounced "way". "Park Way", as in what you drive on.)
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The park is a celebrated, exuberant, playful masterpiece from the great Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí.

Even in mid-February, a sunny day draws a big turnout, and rightly so!
This place must be a zoo in high season.
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Admission is free - this is public space at its highest!
A recurring theme is the smooth segue between natural and artificial, blurring the usual sharp distinction, mixing features of each.
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Oops! We are at the end of the page.
Let's putter along here on the Park Güell (so to speak) until I get the next post together.
Next: Afternoon at the Park
Prev: Lost Rhodes -- Up: Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf