Fri 18.Feb.11
Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Our Story So Far
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We are hanging out at Park Güell on a gorgeous, if hazy, afternoon on a hill overlooking Barcelona, waiting for me to get this post together.

The collection of spires and cranes in the mid distance is Gaudí's other blockbuster masterpiece, Sagrada Familia - under construction since 1909 and counting.

The two tower blocks to the right on the waterfront are living evidence that some granter of permits deserves to be drawn and quartered.

This two-level plaza is a clever idea. The top level is a fine place for gawkers, buskers, vendors, sitters, snoozers, etc on a sunny day. On a rainy day, or a scorching summer one, I imagine the action moves to the covered level, under the wavy fluid ceiling we saw in the last post.
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Another of those grotto walkways.

Behind the line of palm trees at the back of the plaza, the form of the cliff echos that of the palm.

Not that the pigeon probably cares.

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Park Güell has a huge amount of woodsy area that I never even saw on this afternoon. I hope to return and explore it further before I leave town.

Post Parkem Impressions
I walked most of the way back home from the park. It took a couple of hours - I had time and the afternoon was nice.
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A large covered market on The Rambla, one of many boulevards with a strollable strip down the center.

Only one such boulevard is called The Rambla. Most of the others  are Passeig something or other, like the one where this fountain decorates a roundabout. I think this is Passeig Sant Joan. I'll check it on my map when I go home tonight.

St Joan is not the Maid of Orleans. She is strictly French - cuts no ice in Catalunya. St. Joan here is pronounced "San Juan" and that is who it means.

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The Plaça de Catalunya, a huge plaza that connects the Rambla with Passeig de Gracia, another of those major boulevards.

This plaza will feature in at least one future post.

So will Sagrada Familia, especially if I can get there early enough to get in without a line waiting around the block. (Noon was hopelessly late.)

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf