Sat 19.Feb.11
Barcelona, Spain
No unifying subject matter today, 'cept of course Barcelona. Just some pictures that I am pretty happy with.
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Hairless apes in the mist.

A Gaudí front door.

Late afternoon light on the Passeig de Gracia.

I picked an interesting-looking route home from Sagrada Familia, and discovered to my delight that it led past three well-known buildings by Gaudí, and one by one of his modernist colleagues. (Gaudí was not the only modernist, any more than Monet was the only impressionist. They were both the high points of their respective arts, IMHO.)
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For part of the Passeig de Gracia, he apparently laid out the whole street, including sidewalk tiles, Street lights, and public benches. Only two actual buildings though.

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After months of wrestling with Greek (to say nothing of Slovak, Czech and even French), Spanish really seems easy!

I didn't even need to stop and think today to ask somebody, ¿Conoce Usted donde se encuentra un buzón? Then I followed his answer, and bingo, there was a mailbox! Way too easy.
All right, a sort-of-theme; we'll hang around the Plaça de Catalunya for a bit.
A convenient, colorful people-watching spot, with an outdoor cafe for a sandwich, rested feet, and good Spanish coffee.
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I posted this same scene yesterday in very different light.

You may choose which you prefer, or just write it off as a duplicate.

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Sometimes even a point-and-shoot
camera gets things right!

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Plaça's done; back to arbitrary pictures.
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To the left, a roundabout on Passeig de St. Joan.

Full circle! Closure! More hairless apes in the mist.

Hasta la proxima!

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf