Tue 01.Mar.11
Walnut Creek, California
I am writing this in California, but the pictures are still Barcelona.

On The Waterfront

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Part of the harbor area is developed as a shopping complex. The city aquarium is also out there.

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Park Güell
I am a sucker for the place. I went back for a second afternoon.
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Entering Park Güell from the top, you walk a service road cut into an ordinary rocky hillside. It must be a treat to come in that way; as you approach the park center, the rocks start  to rise up and form pillars and arcades for you to pass through - even vaulted ceilings!

Casa Batlló
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A wonderful loopy Gaudí building downtown.

If I understand right, the upper floors are residential.

You can pay to take a guided tour, at least  of rooms that are not occupied at the moment,

If I am ever filthy rich, I want to live here part of the year.

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A more downscale neighborhood.

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Park Güell    
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Looking in the window.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf