Sat 06.Oct.2012
Rhodes, Greece

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I do not remember why I thought this General Postal Station sign was interesting, but it is here now, and I am not re-working the page layout on its account.

I marked my seventh day here last Monday by taking my first load to the self service laundromat. "Self service" at a Greek laundromat means that you put your own clothes in the washer, and a paper tag on the outside of the machine with your name on it. Then you leave for a few hours. When you come back, your laundry is clean, dry, folded, and in a plastic bag, to which your paper name tag is now attached.

Laundry folks can have long memories. When I entered, the woman yiasoo!-d me heartily, pointed me to a washer, and wrote my name from memory(!) on a paper tag for me, spelled correctly by the lights of the Greek alphabet. There you see it, attached to the green plastic laundry bag.

I was touched and impressed. Both!

Some deciduous trees are beginning to lose a few leaves in early October, but all of the flowering botanicals are still doing their thing exuberantly.
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Apparent red peppers at the Thursday street market outside the Red Gate, one of the crossings of the medieval moat on the landward side of the old city. I do not know how spicy the peppers are; most such things in Europe turn out be variations on paprika.

These red bush buds grow right below my window.

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Souvenir lights at a stand in a ficus grove between the city wall and Mandraki, the ancient harbor. By day, the grove is host to a flock of souvenir stands, most of which will be gone by the middle of next month. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf