Sun 30.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
Almost-new Neighborhood
An obscure neighborhood, up against the city wall. It isn't on the way to anyplace else, so it is little-visited. Before today, I hadn't been up there since a year ago.
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These dark green leaves belong to one of the big trees with the twisting roots like monster spaghetti that I mentioned in a recent post. Do they help anybody identify the type of tree? If so, please let me know.

One of several minor minarets around town, other than the "big two". Mostly you can only see them from nearby. This one is in today's neighborhood.

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Yes, that is  a real street to the left of the little old church.

It is not fit for cars, or even wide motos.

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An old tower on a bluff. Was it a windmill? Granary? Watch tower? I don't know. It takes some determination to get to now, but is not dangerous if you are careful.

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There is a fine panorama over the city from the base of the old tower.

Also from the windows at the top, but I didn't mess with the inner stair this time.

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