Thu 27.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
A nice day that turned gorgeous just in time to be a great cold starry night.
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Some stuff down in a non-public part of the moat.

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By Mandraki, the ancient harbor.

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This kind of wiggle-root tree is all around town.  I'll have to learn its name someday.

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The wood between the worlds.
Credit / apologies to C. S. Lewis (via my sister) for that name; it really is apt. Outside the old city, not quite in the new. This is the former no-man's land around the moat.

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I had to ascend a weed-covered slope to check out this hole in the wall. If I had looked further down, I could have seen the bridge across the moat for one of the back gates of the city.
Goodness. Another Friday, another photo post. Happy 'nother weekend!

Nevt: Big Boat, Little Boat
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