Tue 25.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
Details Around Town
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No digital diddling here - the wall really looks like this.

That white archway on the left is not really white - not in real life; the Cyclades this ain't. The archway is the familiar tan limestone of the old city, that you have seen in every post I have sent from here. 

So why does it look whitewashed in this picture? Because the camera has a narrower dynamic range than a human eye. That wall was in bright sunlight. When the camera shows it in its real color, the interior is too dark to see anything; no stairs, scooter, anything. I decided it makes a better picture with a white wall than a dark arch. You pays your money and you takes your choice.

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Weather Report: Sweet
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If you like snow, you were out of luck today in Rhodes. If you are a fan of brilliant sun, drenching rain, hail, calm air, and powerful gusty winds, well... today was your day here. We had them all, most more than once, in no particular order. Liminal weather... not boring.

At one point, the hailstones were pounding entusiastically, modest at about a quarter inch across, while the brilliant sun was slanting in under the clouds from the west, and the city wall was etched against a gorgeous blue sky. Kaleidoscope weather.

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A souvenir boat during the hail.

This boat here, in fact.

Those white spots on the boarded walkway are mostly melting hail.

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Even a rainbow over the harbor. Faint but real.

Dorieos Square shortly after the hail.

“The problem with quotes on Twitter is that you can’t always be sure of their authenticity.”
~ Abraham Lincoln

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