Wed 19.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece

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Today's word in Greek: toothbrush;

odontobourtsa (oh-thohn-DOH-voor-tsa)
Unwieldy, isn't it?

Break it in two.
Odonto (oh-thohn-DOH) looks like part of orthodontist.
Bourtsa (VOOR-tsa) must be related to German Bürste (brush).

Easier now? Oh awwright, it won't be on the final.
My hopes are high that if I practice a few more days I'll be able to pronounce it correctly on the first try.

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A big store, big as my neighborhood supermarket, specializes in designer brand umbrellas. I couldn't make that up.

As you see, they make sure that you know exactly what you are getting. I always wanted a super mini extra large umbrella.

The rest of today's post is the usual walk across town. By now you may recognize where most of the pictures must be from.
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Happy Friday again.
In fact, in half an hour it will be Saturday.
Happy weak end!

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