Tue 18.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
While Puget Sound has been getting pounded by floods, so I hear, Rhodes has been having a tease of near-Spring. I am savoring it while it lasts, before dreaded February sets in.
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A mosque out standing in it's field
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Those are not planter boxes up there. It is a slow motion race here, between the mosque itself crumbling, and the field growing up over it. This side is less overgrown; the other, east side is closed off, and more difficult to photograph. Also in shadow by the time I am usually up to try.

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I enjoy that these tugboats are named for Hercules: Herakles  and Herakles 2.

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"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over.
Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center."
— Vonnegut, Player Piano, 1952

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