Wed 02.Feb.2011
Rhodes, Greece
It is after midnight, so technically today is Groundhog Day where they have such a thing. For me, it is still the tail end of February first, and all of these pictures are from the first afternoon in February, except the first which was early morning.  Here we go.
cat sitting in early sunlight Covered balcony with clothes on line

A cat outside my window in the dawn's early light.

 stranger's laundry drying between home and the little supermarket.

There is also a big supermarket, out in the new city, but they call themselves a hypermarket. Language inflation on an island - sigh.

Old & New Time Religion
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The one functioning mosque in the old city - at least its lovely white minaret - framed by the ancient Christian basilica of St Michael. (I think that is its name . been a while since I learned it.)

Can good light make a good picture out of a banal subject? I thought it did OK with somebody's mailbox here.

Mother Nature dances her long slow dance in the old city.
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Herakles Star and Herakles 1, of the  Herakles tugboat brothers. I think there is also a Herakles 3.

We last saw Herakles Star, the partly-white one, a few posts ago, pushing a monster cruise ship out of its berth at the harbor.

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A harbor cat in the late afternoon.

A closed tourist shop just inside the old city gate at the commercial harbor.

Medieval wall, reflected unclearly in the rippled harbor default alt text
Reflections of a crenellated battlement in the harbor.

A topped palm tree by the back wall of the Grandmaster's Palace.

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So welcome to February, when the weather here is supposed to get as nasty as it ever does. So far on this cold sparkling starry moonless night, it hasn't. The Black family are out and about: Sirius, Regulus and Bellatrix are all beaming down onto my front porch.
I'm in no hurry for that to change, 'cept maybe for the "cold" part.

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