Sat 05.Feb.2011
Rhodes, Greece
The Febuary rain set in a couple of days ago, but I still have a few pictures from the preceeding week.
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Dorieos Square, my home base in the old city.

Cats Under The Sun
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default alt textdefault alt textAn old iron grill on a window into the moat

default alt textedge of the crown of a lopped-off date palm

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If you have been paying attention to the Greek alphabet, you don't need to think twice to see this as nymfh, and hear it  as nymfi. Sad to say, I am only part way there. A good reason - if I needed one - to come back and practice some more.

Entering my last ten days for now in this most photogenic of towns.
Going home for the semi-annual month of checkups, scans, prescription refills and whatnot.

I'm definitely looking forward to holing up here again for next winter.
I hope all of my new-found friends are still here then. But that is getting way ahead of myself.

Next: Rhodes - Harbor Light
Prev: Welcome To February -- Up: Index

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