Fri 11.Feb.2011
Rhodes, Greece
Getting to be a short-timer here. I leave this coming Tuesday for a week in Barcelona, before a month in California, being in-spected. scanned, pre-scribed and whatever. The lovely preview of Spring of the last few days has given me a fine backlog of photos to get up, so here we go.
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On The Waterfront
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Let's linger at the harbor for the rest of this page. Early pre-Spring is as picturesque a time here as any.

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The good boat Friday. It's owner has my sympathy.

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What do you know? The honest to goodness Argo! It says so right there. 

That final letter is a "big" O (o-mega). There is also a small o (o-micron). I understand that in ancient times they represented different sounds.

Actually, argo appears to mean something like slow. Traffic signs warn "ARGA". If I remember, I'll look it up in my dictionary when I go upstairs tonight.

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The good boat Dinos, and it's reflection in the harbor water.

See? Things can look like that even when you are fully sober.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf