Sun 30.Jul.2017
York, UK

I've included some of Yorkshire's entertaining signage in the previous pages. Here are more samples that did not make their way in.

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As an American, I've heard hamburgers called many things in my life, but only in England have I ever heard them called Proper!

Then again, I suppose there are the improper kind...

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"I first tried to write a story when I was about seven. It was about a dragon. I remember nothing about it except a philological fact. My mother said nothing about the dragon, but pointed out that one could not say 'a green great dragon', but had to say 'a great green dragon'. I wondered why, and still do." - JRRT

Dragon of Knaresborough.

Dragon of Whitby.

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The Moat Buttery, which is not the same as a buttery moat, is in Knaresborough.

With these Things You Don't Need, we are back in York for the rest of the page.

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Does this door count as a sign? If I remember right, it is painted on, cats and all.

All Saints Pavement
is the name of the church, not the sidewalk or even the street.

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Tweeters, a woofer, and even a sub-woofer.

Fabulous Cat Trail?!?
Your guess is as good as mine.

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So help me, this is the real name of a (very short) street in York! I am told that it was once customary to bring people here to beat them up.

Here is as good a note as any to go out on. If this doesn't give you your earworm for the day, nothing will.

So we leave Legendary Yorkshire fading into the mists. I failed even to mention the connection of Dracula to Whitby; thems as have read Stoker's version probably remember, others should google it if they are interested.

I am still sitting on a backlog of pictures from a half-dozen locations, and now that my time is short in Slovakia, I have a stack of images from here (and Vienna) as well. So what next? I haven't decided. We shall see soon enough.


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All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf