Thu 12.Jan.2017
Various Summer 2012

One last page of last Summer's wanderings, then at least one to clear out the last of 2016's images from here in Rhodes. Then on to 2017.

Last year at this time I tried mixing pixtures from different years on the same page.
I won't do it again. My system is organized by years, and mixing them is a pain in the paradigm, so to speak.

Alicante, Spain
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The previous page ended in Alicante, Spain, and this one resumes there.

A thousand stories and one cafe.
'Nuff said!

Believe in magic and you will find it.
This could cut both ways. Reality can be seen as miraculous. OTOH, an inquisitor who wants to burn witches will find witches to burn. With magic comes responsibility.

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At the hilltop fort, some visual aids help the turistas imagine a defense against a medieval assault.

Toledo, Spain
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Welcome to the hill town of Toledo, home of the Spanish Inquisition. Today's inquisitive visitor can find help at this information center. It is no longer customary to burn the questionee publicly afterward

Like most of Europe, Spain is chock full of churches. Who knows why I decided the Toledo cathedral should get a photo?

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The central Plaza de Zocodover, at the high point of this Spanish hill town. The name is derived from the Moorish word souk (market).

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By definition, you need a way to get from the base to the top of a hill town. These stairs are one option.

More hill towns should do this - escalators from bottom to top! A sequence of seven, one right after the other.

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Toledo is in the modern province of Castilla - La Mancha. I don't know whether it is in historic La Mancha. In any case, Don Quijote seems to get his respect here.

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Love this house! Its location, in a small park outside the city gate, gives it too little privacy for me to live in confortably. If I were filthy rich, I would buy it and move it into the maze of twisty passages up on the hill top.

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What would a hill town be without a scenic vista. Here we are looking down the river Tajo, more or less in the direction of Extemadura and Portugal. This river's estuary is the "bay" that you see in scenic vistas of Lisbon.

Don't forget me!
A stray shot from Loket, Czech Republic that didn't fit anywhere else, but is too neat to leave out.

Next: back to the present place - Rhodes. One last page of 2016 pictures should catch us up to the present year.

Next: Year's End in Rhodes
Prev: Flashbacks in Spain -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf