Sat 07.Jan.2017
Various 2016

What ho! A jazz duo playing tonight in the Common room (i.e. bar) here at Home Sweet Pub in Rhodes! Guitar and upright bass, playing spirited jazz standards. A great change of pace, and a smooth way to compose ...

Another page of pictures from the past year (remember 2016?) that haven't made it up yet.

Sevilla, Spain.
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A modest budget hotel (pension), with some character, and in a handy neighborhood.

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Sevilla's cathedral. When I used a film camera, I would have spent a fortune here on Kodachrome.

The train in Spain flies mainly 'cross the plain. Today it flies to Alicante, on the Mediterranean coast, south of Valencia. (The locals call their city Alacant, their language not being Spanish, but a variety of Valencian - itself closely related to Catalan. Clear as mud?)

Being on the coast, Alicante has a port, a beach, palm trees, and a stiff wind as often as not.

Alicante - by the beach
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A decorative sidewalk along the beach. The walk is flat, albeit optically illusional.

That fort on a hill looks interesting. One afternoon I hiked up and explored it.

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In real life, this sea gull was a hoot to watch, swooping and hovering on the updrafts down there. In the photo, he is not easy to pick out against the background cliffs. C'est la vie! (¡Se la vi!)

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Down in the business district.
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'Nuff said.

If you must spend an hour and more at the laundromat, a well-themed mural can help you through the experience. It would almost have been worth the journey to Alicante by itself.

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All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf