Sun 01.Jan.2017
Various, 2016

The Days Between are here, between Christmas and New Years Day. The old year is effectively past, the new one not yet begun.
I am going to show some photos between. Ones that got passed over in the course of this year's postings.

Sevilla, Spain
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Plaza de la Encarnacion

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Design your carcasa
From the look of the shop, I think carcasa means mobile phone case.

A shop for Japanese comics and accoutrements.

Barcelona, Spain
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The yacht harbor at the foot of the Ramblas Boulevard.

I think I could keep myself occupied in Barcelona for way more than a couple of days, but a short stay has its benefits. For instance, I could afford the same snazzy hotel that my sis was staying in when we met up there.

Loket, Czechia
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My favorite tiny fairy-tale town in the forests of western Bohemia. They don't come more picturesque than this, and not much more laid back, either. A week here is a treat; two weeks risks stir-craziness.

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Not a pushmi-pullyu, despite apprerances, this is one of a dozen or so Cameroon goats that live on the steep hillside under Loket castle.

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Europeans are going to wonder what the big deal is about this sign. For a Californian, 1352 is historically impressive. For perspective, the city of San Francisco was founded in 1776.

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We will see more of Loket next post. I want to leave tonight with a message from Valencia, Spain. An inlaid sign in North Station. Definitely Greek. I took it for Bon Voyage at the time, but the spelling and grammatical endings are slightly wrong for that. I just asked a Greek friend; the sign says Well traveled. In Spain, in Greek!

A second Greek friend says that the language of this sign is the now-unused variant of Greek known Catharevousa ("Purified"). That variant enjoyed some support in the mid twentieth century, but few people ever really spoke it.

A lovely sign, nontheless!

Well, the Days Between have run out before I even got this posted. It is now a couple of hours into 2017 here in Rhodes.
I still have another page or two of Pictures Between that I want to get up, and some Rhodes shots are already demanding attention as well.

Happy New Year to all!

Next: Flashbacks to Spain
Prev: Christmas Time -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf