Thu 20.Oct.2022
Toledo, Spain
Imagery - May 2022

October is getting on. I am settling in to Rhodes, Greece, my usual winter hang out, and sitting on a backlog of summer pictures.
Without further ado ... Toledo, Spain, last May.

Down by the river
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Toledo is a hill town, in a loop of the Rio Tajo

The Tajo Nature Trail is part of a larger network of trans-European walking trails.

The part around Toledo makes a fine afternoon entertainment.

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Crane? Egret? Who knows their water birds better than I?

Where the canyon walls are steep, the trail climbs a bit above the actual river bank.

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OK - enough river trail - into the Old City!

School Crossing!

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Way back in a corner of the medieval maze, a tree-shaded plaza with a simpatico taverna.

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The blazing midday Sun inspires these "linear parasols" on the medieval streets.

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A classical hill town dilemma: getting all the visitors from the bus station (at the bottom of the hill) to the medieval town, which is a hefty climb. Toledo uses escalators - this chain of seven (count them - seven consecutive escalators!), and another near the main plaza.

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I wondered why queso manchego figured so prominently in shops and eateries here. Eventually it registered: Toledo *is* in the province of La Mancha. This also explains why you see a lot about Don Quixote in Toledo.

If I return to Toledo, a catapult museum just could be interesting.

(I avoided memorials of the inquisition and various holy wars.)

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Near the Puerta de Bisagra.

Sadly, the Great Covid Lockdown does not seem to have put an end to this tourist fad of putting padlocks on railings. (One footbridge had to forcibly remove tons of padlocks, to prevent collapse.)

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf