Wed 05.Oct.2022
Nerja, Sain
Imagery - May 2022

Summer time is come and gone on a grey, sprinkly week here in Paris.
Tonight we seek the Sun in the Past.
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It's flashback time, to last May in Nerja, on the Costa Del Sol in Spain.

We've seen this town before in previous years. Tonight's page is going to focus on the sea and the beach(es).

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These flora perch on the clifftops above the ocean.

p5085307.jpg p5085308.jpg A few days pass ...

So much for my gripe about cold, dark Paris; I'm now in Nice (FR) on the Mediterranean; weather and town are both... well, nice!

But I digress. We are dealing here with last May in Spain.

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What is to say? Those are rocks. That is the ocean... ?

Better to let the pictures do the talking, unless there is something for words to say.

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The cliff-top plaza known as The Balcony of Europe.

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Next: Toledo
Prev: Bratislava Short Time -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf