Wed 26.Oct.2022
Linz, Austria
Imagery - August 2022

Ten days to play with between leaving Bratislava, and flying home from Paris.
The first night in Vienna was a no-brainer. After that ... I had never visited Linz before, and it *is* on the way.
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From the train between Klagenfurt and Graz. Classic Alpine spooky mist.
(This has nothing to do with Linz, but I like the picture.)

OK, for the rest of the page, we are in Linz, Upper Austria.

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The names Upper and Lower Austria, refer to the regions' respective postions on the Danube River. Linz is the regional capital of Upper Austria, and the first major city on the river after it enters Austria from Germany.

The river looks almost as wide as in Bratislava, hundreds of km downstream. I wonder how deep it can be up here? River cruise ships navigate on up to at least Regensburg in Germany.

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The Volksgarten - one of the first sights to greet a visitor as he walks from the station toward the Innenstadt.

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St Mary's Cathedral (Linzer Mariendom)

My instinct is to avoid churches. I need to remind myself deliberately that for centuries in Europe, churches were virtually the only employers of artists, sculptors, architects, musicians, etc. If you want to see what the most creative medieval souls produced, your local Dom is an obvious place to start.

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Sign Spotting

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The Taubenmarkt ("Pigeon Market"), a major square in the Innenstadt.

Until 1880 a regular bird market was held here, giving the square its name.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf