Sat 29.Oct.2022
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Imagery - August 2022

Geographical nit-pick: This page deals with Frankfurt am Main in western Germany.
There is also Frankfurt an der Oder in eastern Germany, on the border with Poland. If you are in the East, say Berlin or further, you may need to specify "Frankfurt am Main" if you mean the western Frankfurt.

The time is last August, and I am still making my way from Austria toward Paris for my flight home.
French Rail runs a TGV bullet train to Paris from Frankfurt, Germany, so Frankfurt is my stepping stone between Austria and France.
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The nearest I expect to come to being in a huge Klein bottle, or at least feeling like it. This surreal multi-story mall in the heart of Frankfurt's shopping district is a hoot just to wander around in.

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How They Make Gravity:
the presence of matter bends the shape of space-time.

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Double-gravity Zone!

Meanwhile, out in the real world ...
The Old Frankfurter pub.

On Römerplatz
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Near as I can tell, this has been the Frankfurt city hall ("Rathaus") since the early 1400's. I didn't see a sign saying so - it just *looks* like a German Rathaus.
(I looked up the date later.)

Down By The River
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Along the riverfront, people had set up a booth, and were playing Cuban music.

Goodness knows everybody seemed to be getting in the swing of things!

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Greek text decorates this bridge across the Main River. I couldn't make head nor tail of it. Greek friends told me it is ancient Greek, from Homer's Odyssey: Sailing over the wine-dark sea to men of strange speech.

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Tonight's page ends with a barrage of sign-spotting, mostly from the leafy neighborhood of Sachsenhausen, across the Main from the city center.

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Your guess is as good as mine.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf