Wed 13.Jun.2012
Split, Dalmatia, Croatia

Steppin' Out
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Give an old Yugoslav-era apartment building enough time and greenery, and a Mediterranean climate, and it is amazing how much beauty you can surround it with.

Bratislava, take note, though admittedly the Mediterranean climate might be a problem there.

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A shop on an alleyway in the palace.

Out in the regular city. A picture for my friend Jure in Rodos.

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Late afternoon on the Riva.

Some little building outside the back (north) wall of the palace, near Grgur Ninsky's big statue (below). Looks Roman.

Some street sights.
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Knockin' on the Golden Door
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Bishop Grgur Ninsky's statue presides over the Golden Gate, watching the north entrance to the palace. He is made entirely of bronze. Most of him is the usual color of bronze statues everywhere.

But a local tradition keeps his big toe shiny and golden.

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Rubbing that toe is supposed to bring good luck. And as you can see, plenty of people give it a try. What is to lose? At least it expresses your wish for good luck.

This woman came out through the Golden Gate, visible behind her.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf