Sat 13.Aug.2016
Siena, Toscana, Italy

This is a medieval little hill town. Or Renaissance. All of todays's pictures could have been from centuries ago if hey had had cameras then. Actually, the clothing styles would give that away. But if we change the colors to look like the photographs of one century ago, we can play at photographic time travel.

So here we are: Century Old Siena!
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Scenes from the maze of twisty little passages.

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Outside and inside the Campo.

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Two restaurant signs on narrow Via Pantaneto, between the Campo and my friendly little pension. I ate a couple of times at the Piccantino. I got into the habit of Chinese food in Italy, mostly because it was there, partly because it is less challenging diabetically than most Italian food.

I believe Mangione means Big Eater, which certainly fits Italy. I never ate at this one, but I like the sign, and the name evokes an eponymous jazz musician.

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The striking Facciatone, part of the museum of the duomo. A huge wall, with a long narrow spiral stair, and a reportedly spectacular view from the top. Half an hour waiting time to get in, so I didn't.

If I understand right, this is the remains of an earlier duomo. Must have been humongous! (Hmm.. I wonder whether this was an inspiration for the Aedificium in Umberto Eco''s novel Name of the Rose. Nope - I just looked it up. The inspiration was a different Italian monastery.)

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One of half a dozen radial passaggi leading into the semi-circular bowl of the Campo.

I found a small jazz combo rehearsing Take Five in a passageway just around the corner from this door. In an little-maintained old fort on a hill top just outside the old city walls. (Just below the bus station if you go looking for it.)

I like the light on this one too much, so I will Not Fade it Away (so to speak).
Back to The Present!

Much as I love Italy, I never stay there more than a few weeks.
The place burns through both money and insulin at wholly unsustainable rates.
Next: let's see whether I can get any Slovakia pictures up in my remaining few days here.
They will be full color - promise!

Next: This Year in Slovakia.
Prev: Siena -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf