Thu 18.Aug.2016
Bratislava, Slovakia

The heart of Bratislava is its 18th-century baroque old city. I've shown it before, and I am sure I'll show it again. Today it takes a back seat to stuff that day-trippers from Vienna don't see.
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Well OK, everybody sees the New Bridge, but it makes a great establishing shot to open with.

A new-ish (i.e. since I was last here) bar on a side street between the center and my apartment.

By the Water's Side
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I'm not normally one to hang out at shopping malls, but this one by the Danube is nicer than most, and has a great string of outdoor cafes and bars along a grassy bank over the river.

A spot to park my nalga and read once a week or so. I'll even confess to eating dinner at the food court. (This is the mall with the triangle-mesh roof that I show now and then.)

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Two years ago, the Old Bridge over the Danube was gone, except for the big concrete pillars that supported it. Last year, a new Old Bridge was under construction. Now it is open, with a bright paint job, a new tram line to the south side of the river, and a couple of pedestrian rest areas with benches and potted plants, for people strolling across.

Conspicuous by their absence: motor vehicles! (They can use the Apollo Bridge downriver, or the New Bridge upriver.)

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Horský Park, the beautiful, forested canyon where I like to go for exercise walks. The canyon is fairly steep, with a maze of trails at various angles. I choose paths through the maze that give an appropriate slope, and last me a bit over a half-hour from the top to this meadow at the bottom ...

... and back to the top. This swimming pool actually belongs to an adjacent restaurant by the top entrance to the forest.

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Outside the new Slovak National Theater building. Fortunately, they left the iconic old building standing, at the entrance to the old city. I think it is still used for opera or something.

This new building, which does the heavy lifting now, isn't particularly photogenic, but there are still some interesting pictures in it.

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Painted windows in an old wall by St Martin's cathedral.

Need a haircut?
I have to give some advertising soul credit for seeing an opportunity in a planter box.

Záhradnícka Street.
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Two or three years ago, my dingy old brown apartment building got a bright new off-white paint job, with salmon trim. Looks good. The downside? It made the long, dingy brown building next door even dingier by contrast.

This year, that building next door has been covered in scaffolding the whole time I've been here. I walk under it every day. Near as I can tell, it is going to emerge with a matching color scheme to mine. Meanwhile, the afternoon sun sometime makes striking light and shadow patterns.

Stay tuned!

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An Eye Of the World, so to speak. :)

Here is a glimpse of the baroque and charming old town. More of it next time.
Also the usual day-trip to Vienna, where I am actually typing this, on my way to Munich and California.

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf