Tue 23.Aug.2016
Bratislava, Slovakia

I am home in California for the usual semi-annual scanning, scoping, etc.
The pictures will remain in Europe. I am not done with Slovakia, and there are still Sevilla, Alicante, and Toledo to catch up on from Spain, and Montpellier, France.

So, with todays ado adone ... Slovakia!
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The tram has the right-of-way!

Do I really want to know what a Dinkel Drink is?

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Love that late afternoon sun beaming in under the rain clouds!

The Prater
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Once again, we are in Vienna for the afternoon!

The Prater is a large island in the river Danube; also a large park on that island; and an amusement park within that larger park.

One hard-working name for having only six letters!

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Hviezdoslav Square
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Back in Bratislava...
I learned that this long narrow square near the river front was once a water-filed moat (!), part of the city's defenses in medieval times.

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Main Square in the Old City. This stage plays venue for a host of free entertainment throughout the Summer. It was dismanteled a few days before I left; end of another Summer season!

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Main Square again, reflected ...

... and direct, in the late afternoon.

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Speaking of things that give pause to reflect ...

... who knew?!
The Martians are friendly!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf