Mon 10.Jul.2023
Palermo, Sicily
Imagery - May 2023

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The day in day out reality of Palermo is urban streets. Of course, one urban street looks like another when you show them at street level, so to speak.

What I really notice on urban streets - besides the people - are the details, which will bring us soon enough back to signs and street art.

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By their claim to fame shall ye know them.

We didn't invent Toast,

'Nuff said!

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I had no trouble finding a laundromat in Palermo, and finding my way to it. There it was, with washers and dryers and instructions and everything ... except a business sign identifying it. Just an unmarked anonymous storefront!

While my laundry was in the dryer, these two guys showed up. By the time I was done and gone, The Blue Bubbles laundromat looked like you would expect of a business.

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Detail from the yacht harbor.

A back street through a scruffy-looking neighborhood. A treat for the eyes, scruffy or not!

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Sicily's great street food!

Fist-sized rice balls, stuffed and deep fried. In western Sicily, most arancine are ball-shaped. In the east, they are usually pointed on top - some say in honor of Etna. Either way, they are handy, tasty, filling, and everywhere.

A language oddity: in western Sicily, the word arancina is feminine. (pl: arancine). In eastern Sicily the word is masculine: arancino (pl: arancini)! Go figure!

When in Sicily, take their word for it!)

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A friend in Greece told me that I'd notice a lot of Greek words in Sicilian Italian. This one jumped out at me - FOTO FOUR. Tessera (adj: tetra) is as Greek as it gets.

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Do the men have their own paper bags?

Here we are again - beyond. Spelled in Greek letters, just so there is no missing the point.

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All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf