Sat 08.Jul.2023
Palermo, Sicily
Imagery - May 2023

A hot July afternoon in Slovakia - a good time to find a cafe with comfy chairs (there are a few - not cheap, but the comfy is worth it), and perform a photo-flash-back to May in in the big Sicilian city.
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Enough of this beach town / resort-on-a-ledge stuff! Palermo is the big working city, hustling, bustling, teeming, multi-ethnic.

At first the shift in gears put me off, but I found myself coming to enjoy the sheer energy of it all.

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The first few overcast days, I kept finding things I wanted pictures of, even if the light was - shall we say - sub-optimal.


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The Sun first poked his face through on the day I went to find the waterfront.

Pretty good timing, actually!

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Mercato di Capo
A colorful, entertaining street market, devoted (mainly) to food.
On both sides of a narrow little street, food abounds, both to eat here, and to go cook it at home.

Notice the Greek word for "market". I assume the red and green words are Hebrew and Arabic for the same thing.

Some of these hardly need pictures. Others are Sicilian specialties: cannolo, cassata, arancine (arancini in eastern Sicily).

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No Feast For Crows here, but jackpot for the pigeons!

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In front of the Teatro Massimo huddles a group of young folk, some in festive garb.

They moved together up to the doorstep of the teatro. I could not see clearly what they did up there, but it looked like a flash wedding ceremony. In mere minutes they were gone. If wedding it was, it was as non-disruptive as any ever done in Italy!

Were they ever there at all?

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This must have been a map of the the medieval Kingdom of Sicily. The three-legged Trinacria became the Sicilian emblem in Norman times. The building looks medieval enough.

Coming up: more Palermo

Next: Streets of Palermo
` Prev: Taormina Sign Spotting -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf