Tue 20.Jun.2023
Cefalu, Sicily
Imagery - May 2023

A dull rainy afternoon in Vienna, worlds away from Sicily.
A good time time for a flashback to that exotic South!

Later: Maybe less good than that - I am finishing this about ten days later in Slovakia!
It was hard to concentrate on Sicily, when I was bouncing around MittelEuropa in double time!

We left ourselves making our way up to the trail that climbs the huge rock promontory behind the beach town of Cefalu. Just above the edge of the town, we find the park entrance and snack bar. Some trivial entrance fee, and here I am, looking up the switchbacks at some fellow turista coming back down.

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Evidence in hand that people do return from this adventure, up we go! The view back down to the town and entrance is already cool.

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I can see the line of this ledge from my apartment down below.

The sign gives you fair warning about that ledge. I don't argue - I'm too old to die young!

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My apartment! The ground and first floors on the right side of the yellow corner building.

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I learned too late why many people had rented walking sticks at the entrance. For old fat people like yrs trly, footing becomes trickier with altitude, and there are no handrails on some of those tricky parts.

When my footing became too unreliable, I haired out and started back down. I looked it up later; the full route to the top was way too long for the time I had allowed. Next time!

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Going back out the way I came in.

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All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf