Mon 26.Jun.2023
Cefalú, Sicily
Imagery May 2023

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I've already said most of what needs to be said about Cefalú, but I still have a page worth of pictures, mostly elaborations on scenes we have seen before.

So... the words are likely to be sparse tonight. Enjoy the place!

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The little bay behind the big rock centers around the local yacht harbor.

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Poit - we're back in town, just in time for the low evening light.

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The lair of the Golden Bar!

I don't name 'em, folks! I just document them.
I believe there was another shop of this name in Taormina. We'll see when we get there.

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Car's-eye view.

Fast intro to rip currents (aka rip tides). Has this sign saved lives? One can only hope.

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That's Amore!

For all the Raymond Chandler fans, a High Window.

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The Undersea People, sneaking up onto dry land, to mingle with the unsuspecting turistas. :)

That's it for Cefalú!
Next up: Someplace Else

Next: Sicily - High in Taormina
Prev: Cefalú - The High Road -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf