Tue 23.May.2023
Cefalú, Sicily
Imagery - May 2023

Pictures from Taormina, Sicily will come, but first I am skipping ahead to the western Sicilian beach town of Cefalú.
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On the outskirts is a small yacht harbor, backed by some oddly-shaped rock formations, and what was probably a fortress.

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That little harbor is backed by a massive rock promontory; skirt your way around it, and you come to the actual town, and the lengthy sand beach that visitors flock to in season.

It is a shallow sea at this point; see how far out people are standing.

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Over dinner I met a couple from northern Ontario, in the last days of their three weeks in Italy. Accordong to him, Cefalú is the best place on Earth! Myself, I was still griping privately about the cold nights, but I didn't argue with him. If you are about to return to Winter in northern Ontario, it could tilt your outlook!

Goodness knows this little beach town was charming enough.

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Trinacria, the three-legged emblem of Sicily bears a startling similarity to its counterpart in the Isle of Man, of all places! The Sicilian version bears a medusa head at the center. Both islands are said to have gotten the emblem from the Normans in their heyday.

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All over Europe, I hear the distinctive hu-HUU hu of the eurasian collared doves! One of those signature sounds that remind you you are in Europe.

Hearing is one thing; seeing the little critters is something else again. They mostly keep out of sight when they are singing. The doves in Cefalú showed themselves freely. A local quirk?

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If you climb to the back of the town, you'll find the entrance to a steep spectacular climb trail to the old fortress at the top of rock!

That is another story for another night!

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All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf