Tue 30.Apr.2013
Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain

Sevilla, Andalusia's seductive, cosmopolitan, and increasingly familiar capital city. This is Spain's south-westernmost province, thus inconveniently the farthest province from France. That means a bullet train ride the length of Spain. I count it as a bonus.
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A prominent statue of Don Juan. Mozart's Don Juan, not Castaneda's.

As often happens, I have a bit of a climb to and from my digs here.

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Whooda thunk it?! Scotland is just a red herring; Hogwarts apears to be in Sevilla!

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Peluqueria de Caballeros - Men's Barber Shop. The composer Rossini would be proud.

Let me cut your mop!
Let me shave your crop!

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The narrow medieval streets of the former Juderia (Ghetto), now called Barrio de Santa Cruz

Rubber trees in the Murillo Gardens outside the wall of the Alcazar gardens.

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Lovely lavender-and-white tree blossoms on a cloudy day. Does anybody know what kind of tree this would be?

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The sidewalk eating scene here is great. When the weather cooperates, I live mainly on outdoor tapas, served to an endless show of people watching.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf