Sun 05.May.2013
Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain

Dang. I almost catch up on photos, and then bingo, another round of trains and this post is now a portrait from the past. Pretend we are still in Sevilla, folks, if only because Sevilla was warmer than Paris where I am typing this while I am still awake.

Gotta put my Spanish back in the closet to gather dust for another year, while I fake it for a couple of days in French before plunging so far into Germany that I will be a leisurely hour's ride from having to fake it in Czech if I decide to go that way a week from now.

Set the Way Back Machine for Spain...
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Don Juan again. A portrait view in a landscape mode photo.

Moon over Puerta de la Carne street.

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A curious name for an ATM network; Klau means "Theft" in German.
My educated guess: that key logo is the clue. Barcelona is a major banking and commerce city. Betcha Clau is Catalan for "Key".

Torre d'Oro, the Tower of Gold. This riverfront tower marked the seaborne entrance to Sevilla in Rennaisence times.

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Two angles on a fairly cliche-ed monument to somebody on horseback, in the Plaza Nueva

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In the twisty, colorful, medieval maze of Barrio Santa Cruz

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T-shirt giggle of the week.

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Suds and ripples in a fountain pool in the Prado de San Sebastian, one of a string of continuous parks and gardens that fan out from behind the Alcazar.

A very thoughtful touch for joggers and walkers; I was far from the only one making use of them.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf