Fri 27.Apr.2012
Ronda, Andalusia, Spain

One of Ronda's claims to fame, for better or worse, is the birthplace of modern Spanish bullfighting. Yeah, whoopie. However big a deal it is here - and it is - little of my attention will go to it.
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Before we romanticize the town, let's keep things in perspective with the view from my window, in the new part of town. Convenient to the main touristy sights (including the bull ring) and the most spectacular views of the gorge, not a bad walk to the train station, it is a bit of a hike to the most picturesque part of the Moorish old town, on the far side from the bridge over the gorge.

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I'm a bit embarassed to admit that I don't know the name of tree blossoms this lovely. Is this what cherry blossoms look like?

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Spring in the hills! Wildflower porn would be a no-brainer here and now.
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Bought my train ticket today to Granada on Monday. Now I am anxiously checking email in hopes I have a place to stay when I arrive. No obscure hill town - Granada is a major sightseeing center.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf