Sat 28.Apr.2012
Ronda, Andalusia, Spain

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Not every day do you get to look down at one of these things.

A tile mural of the town center. Goodness knows where the artist must have sat to make the picture.

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Not a bird cage - a grilled balcony. Grilled, but not with barbecue sauce.

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I see them, Mia! The knight and the bushes and the pergola. They are all dancing along the ridgetop. The Dark One is leading them.

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Those hills in the distance are the beginning of a major national nature preserve. Permits to hike there are free, but you do need one.

I leave in two days for Granada.
In fact, 48 hours from now I should be there and settled in. So I am relieved to have confirmed, about a half-hour ago, that I do have a place to stay when I get there.
See you then!

Next: Granada Kaleidoscope
Prev: Images from Hill -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf