Thu 26.Apr.2012
Ronda, Andalusia, Spain

Ronda is one of the so-called white hill towns of Andalusia. Day trippers come here from resort towns on the Costa del Sol to the south. I'm here for a week.
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The homonymous Beach Boys song has been a frequent earworm since I arrived. I wanted to title this page Help Me Ronda, but I cannot honestly claim to need help here, except perhaps with more convenient internet access.

The only wi-fi cafe I have found is a hole-in-the-wall tapas joint with slightly erratic hours, depending on whether the proprietor has enough business to keep his attention. At least he is friendly and the munchies are good.

The town's flat appearance is deceiving. It sits atop a mesa, split by a spectacular gorge between the old (Moorish) and new sections.
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A demented entwife likes to jump out and yell "Boo!" at unsuspecting tourists at one of the many scenic vista points.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf