Wed 09.Nov.2011
Rhodes, Greece

The second of two pages from a sunny few days in the old city.
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The Waxing Moon
How do languages like Latin and Slovak manage without articles? Without a and the, how do they distinguish between the waxing moon and waxing the moon?

It would be annoying to discover you had gone and bought a gallon of moon wax because of a purely verbal misunderstanding.

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Late Afternoon
Which is coming ever earlier, especially since the "fall back" to standard time last month. Europe seems to do the time change a week before the U.S.
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Another Day
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And so we leave the old city through the Eleftherias (Liberty) Gate.

A friendly old ice cream vendor stations his wagon here. When I first saw him this year, he asked where and how I had been since last year. Unlike some shops in town, he makes his own ice cream - Italian style! Need I say I am a regular customer?

Next: Flu Season
Prev: Cool & Sunny -- Up: Master Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf