Thu 13.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
Rodini Park
The map shows a large square-ish park a mile or so south of the old city.
I went to explore it one recent clear afternoon. I was expecting vast expanses of lawn, and found instead a deep winding creek and canyon, thickly wooded, with light mostly filtered through the trees. Think Greenwood the Great, before the coming of the shadow.
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There is basically only one kind of photo to be had here; I took lots of it.

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I never figured out the nature of this structure down in the creek bank. I just looked at it from the footbridge across the creek.

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Etymology and History
The Italian name for Rhodes is Rodi. So in Italian, Rodini would mean Little Rhodes.

Like the park, this part of town, between here and the old city, seems to be called Rodini.  I wonder whether it was developed by the Italians during their occupation, before and during the second World War?

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Along the western cliffs
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No longer in the park; up on the cliffs now, overlooking the Aegean in the late afternoon sun. A friendly area to cactus and yucca for who knows what reason.

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John Kennedy Street. The name does not go easily into the Greek alphabet, but they are used to dealing with that.

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