Thu 13.Jan.2011
Rhodes, Greece
The rain and thunder returned this evening, after a week or more of spectacularly clear days.  The locals tell me that from now through February, the weather can be as nasty as it gets here.  This post and the next will show what I got during the just-finished clear spell.
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The sun shining through an oddly shaped bottle of window cleaner made this neat abstract pattern on the top of my littlle refrigerator.

On a ridge above a  large park, this woman was training horses.  I kept waiting for both woman and horse to be in the light, and finally settled for the horse.

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Holy Church of St George; it says so right there.

Curiously, I only learned recently that ieros means holy; I had been taking it for former, once but not now. Presumably, it sounded enough like some word of that meaning in some other language, that I unthinkingly guessed at it.

So what might that other word have been? The only candidate that comes to mind is iaur, meaning exactly that. And what language is iaur? Sindarin, one of Tolkien's elvish languages; an unlikely relative of Greek! I must be more careful.

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Somebody's laundry hanging to dry.

Reflections in a cafe window.

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Ruined temple on a ridge top.

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The modern entrance to the ancient harbor. A pair of deer on columns have replaced the ancient Colossus of Rhodes.

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