Sat 27.Nov.2010
Rhodes, Greece

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Another set of pictures from Thanksgiving and the day (and night) before.

Here we go...

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The rain brought a brand new assortment of fall-colored leaves to the ground, giving me an opportunity to experiment with my new camera's iso and brightness settings.

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An ancient temple to Athena, or maybe Aphrodite - one of those A-goddesses anyway.

Saturday: I checked today; it is Aphrodite.

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Suleiman's (now inactive) mosque, with its graceful minaret, at the top of the major tourist drag. I assume we are talking about Suleiman The Magnificent, not the old testament king of that name (Solomon in Hebrew).

Toast in Europe is usually more like what we would call a quesadilla. That is, it isn't just a slice of toated bread - it has something on it.

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Way out there is a bit of the very ferry that brought me here a month ago.

Let me give another well-earned plug for Yiannis Taverna & Restaurant. Honest to goodness food served with heart and character, not a hundred meters off of Shakedown Street!

In fact, the whole little neighborhood on Platonos Street is worth seeking out. Just plow fearlessly past the gauntlet of souvenirs of Greece made in China, and suddenly, here you are.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf