Fri 26.Nov.2010
Rhodes, Greece
There is no such holiday as Thanksgiving in Greece. They don't commemorate their first harvest after landing on these shores, partly because their ancestors came overland from the north before they kept written records of that or anything else. You could explain that yesterday was an American holiday. You could describe it as Thanksgiving, and they would grok the concept.  But the folks here would be shocked and probably offended if you were to call it Turkey Day; all that would mean to them is their hereditary enemies across the channel.
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Anyway, it was a partly sunny day, and not too chilly, so let's see what the sunny parts looked like.

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I heard from lots of people about beastly weather all over North America.

(Unwetter, the Germans call it - a wonderful name.)

Hope everybody stayed warm and toasty, with loved ones and hot tasty food.

Here in Rhodes, there was no mistaking it for a summer day, but it was mild compared to what the folks at home were getting. Partly cloudy, some rain.

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Trying to find things to show other than weathered limestone walls and arches.

Also other than hibiscuses (hibisci?), bougainvillas, and heavenly blue morning glories.

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Everybody have plenty of tasty leftovers for the next week? Turkey sandwiches for a couple of days? Turkey soup next week!
Enjoy, everybody!
Enjoy everybody!

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