Sat 25.Dec.2010
Rhodes, Greece
Here it is, Christmas Day in Rhodes.  Greeks seem to spend the holiday at home with their families; I have never seen the old town so devoid of activity as this afternoon.  Now in the evening, my little home pub has opened up, and I am dining on some delicious duck and rice from the proprietors' parents that they brought me! In the corner, a pair of musicians are warming up, one of them playing what I believe is an oud - a rare treat in Greece where bouzouki is much more the norm.

Back and There Again
Cots in Munich airport departure hallrow of cots in Munich airport
I made a trip to California in early December, to be with my family after my father's death.  The journey proved to be an adventure in both directions.

It sounded simple - one connection in Munich, and non-stop in to San Francisco. I was admiring the Alps from the plane window when it occurred to me that we had been over those Alps for longer than I could account for. Shortly after, the captain announced that Munich was closed due to snow; we were diverting to Nürnberg, a tiny airport further north. The poor ground staff at Nürnberg were helpless, in near-shock from the unaccustomed torrent of flights diverted from Munich.

I made my way to Munich airport (ca. 28°F) by train, waited two hours in the re-booking line, and got a seat on my same flight the next day. Too late for a hotel room though; not a one to be had. "München ist voll!". In fact, I was even too late for a cot in the departures building - they had run out of those too. So I paced and napped on the benches until morning, then commandeered one of the first cots to be abandoned by its occupant.

Neon sign: Good Schmuck BuyCraft booths between airport buildings
The new Munich airport is huge, with a covered plaza between terminal buildings and a shopping mall underground. Here a sign gains something in translation to English.

In the covered plaza there was an airport version of a German Christmas market. Contrived as it may have been, it lent some welcome charm.

Couple at a stand-up cafestandard business class hotel room
I dunno where this couple are really from, but the scene looks too German for words.

Interestingly, I spent another unplanned night at  Zürich airport (19°F) when I returned to Greece in mid-December. This time the cause was strikes in Athens. Swiss Airlines put me up at the airport Hilton, and got me a connection to Athens the next morning via Vienna (15°F). I may never complain about cold in Greece again.

Finally... Rodhos again!
couple of kids kicking a ball aroundkids with ladder in the medieval moat
There is no official access for the public to this section of inner moat by the eastern exit from the old town. Still, kids with soccer on their minds can be pretty resourceful.

seaweed on rock in shallow watertall weathered wall with embedded arches and mortar balls 
Most days are cloudy now, even when it doesn't rain. We sometimes go a week between cruise ships, and those are far from full. Life is slower-paced than when I arrived in Fall season.

The days that are clear can be brilliant.

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One of many dark doorways into the city wall from the old moat. If you are paying attention to the occasional sign, you know that this passage actually comes out the other side into the town, one of three such, and the least obvious of the three.

Nearby, one of the three gates that cross the moat.

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The mutant killer zucchini is still alive and kicking, but it looks much less powerful than it did a few weeks ago. Maybe it took some cold weather while I was in Calif.

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I saw The Voyage of the Dawn Treader soon after my return to Rhodes, at a local movie house. (Yes, with Greek sub-titles.)

I was raised on the Narnia books, and Dawn Treader was probably my favorite of the lot. My feelings about the movie are decidedly mixed. The best news: it is as beautiful visually as the first two.

Many of the scenes and story elements are recognizable. But the story they tell is something else again. A concocted young girl character may be intended to attract the youngsters of a certain age, now that Lucy is more of a young teen. But villianous green mist??  Swords at Aslan's Table?? Even - so help me - a Blue Star Fairy?!? (That last one has got to be an in-joke inserted by some Greek at Disney.)

Maybe I am just grumpy at being gouged an extra 2 euros for the mostly-irrelevant 3D. If any of this matters to you, you can see it and decide for your self.

What do you know? As the evening grows older, more people have trickled in. The ol' pub feels properly warm and Christmasy now. An excellent note of cheer to sign off on.

Deck us all with Boston Charlie
Walla Walla, Wash, an' Kalamazoo.
Nora's freezin' on the trolley
Swaller dollar cauliflower allygaroo.
Don't we know archaic barrel?
Lullabye Lilla boy, Louisville Lou.
Trolley Molly don't love Harold.
Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo!

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