Fri 08.Dec.2023
Rhodes, GR Oct & Nov 2023
Paris, FR Sep 2023

I am back in California for medical stuff and the holiday season.
I still haven't replaced my defunct little camera, so here are the last of this season's travel pictures.
Enjoy the coming Solstice, and whatever other holidays you celebrate this season!

Chronological order tonight. First a handful from late Setember in Paris, France.
(It is for the record, folks. I don't really think you need to be told what country Paris is in.)
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Bd. Raspail
at Rue Brea

Place de la Contrescarpe
one of my favorite spots to linger over a coffee and watch the people show.

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Place de la Contrescarpe.

(Look for it in the Fifth Arrondissement, behind the Pantheon.)

Speaking of the Pantheon...

Rhodes, Greece
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The sequence of bridges, walks and portals, known collectively as ...
San Francisco Gate

Coming in ...

... going out.

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Born to be wild.

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Jupiter, rising over the inactive, but beautifully-maintained Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent

Turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

A friend tells me the mountain's Turkish name means Big Black Mountain, and he has climbed it twice. Bravo!

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Next: Last Year in Brno
Prev: The Gales Of November -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf