Mon 15.Jan.2024
Brno, CZ
Imagery - June 2023

In Winter, we dream of Summer!
Here are a handful of pix from Summer 2023 that never made it out at the time.
Intersection in the leafy Vinohrady neighborhood.

Prague is lovely, but tonight's main event is the under-sung regional capital of Moravia ...

An overcast week in a new-to-me city.
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Freedom Square

To reach Brno from Vienna, ask for a ticket to Brünn, the city's name in German.

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In the side streets.

A room wth a view,
but only from the outside.

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Around Cabbage Market square.

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The market stalls include many more fruits and veggies than just cabbage!

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The Bar That Doesn't Exist

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Beer to go! ?!

Green cigarettes

That is it for Brno.
See you when I get out of California next month!
Happy New Year
Bon voyage to everybody!

We are off on another trip around the Sun.

"Sailing the wine-dark sea
to peoples of strange speech."

Next: Fiji & Sydney
Prev: Home Again -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf