Mon 18.Mar.2024
Fiji & Sydney

I returned to Calfornia from Greece at the start of December, to wrap up some medical loose ends. So, after the new year ... what?
Believe it or not, Winter in Europe is no real incentive to spend a day and a night on a plane.

There may be no Door Into Summer, but there are flights to Summer. Southern hemisphere, here we come!

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Everything you expect of a tropical island. Warm, easy-paced, lush, steenkin sticky-humid. Fiji delivered the goods for me, with a delightful family-run B&B. I hope to return, perhaps next (northern) Winter. Being south of the equator, it was late Summer there.

Fresh mango slices with breakfast did no harm at all.

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Actually, the nearest thing to a disincentive to return to Fiji is the long cold overnight flight to get there. Bring a jacket. At least Fiji Airways treats you well, and has excellent food.

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The ocean sculpts the sands at Wailoaloa Beach

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Was it just the season? Or my location? ...

... Fiji has delightful sunsets!

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When I booked an Ibis Hotel, I had no idea that actual ibises live in the neighborhood. In fact, I had never been clear on just what an ibis is. Turns out they live in Sydney, and look like this.

A charming brunch spot in the heart of the waterfront. I would gladly crepe out here again. A haven in a sea of chain junk food! Just opposite the Circular Quay metro station.

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Kiww da wabbit
kiww da wab-bit

Well, what do you expect
from an opera?

I use my ATM card all over Europe without thinking twice. Euros here, Crowns there, etc. So imagine my surprise when I used the same card to get some Fijibucks at a Fiji ATM. My bank's security computers freaked out and cancelled the card. Cancelled it so hard that even the nice clerks at my branch couldn't access the account when I phoned them!

So I changed my return flight to a month early, and my Australian adventure to a mere five days in Sydney.

The nice clerk fixed my card when I visited in person. I have a new Phone plan that should enable me to fix similar problems by phone. And of course I have learned to notify the bank online when I am going someplace exotic. Cross fingers, toes, eyes... !

I'll be returning in April for the usual summer wanderings.
Some flashback photos should get us in the mood.
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A public reading garden in the former moat of Bratislava, Slovakia.

Evening behind a watchtower on walls of Nürnberg, Germany.


A tourist yacht dances on wiggle water in Rhodes, Greece.

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All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf