Sat 25.May.2024
Fiji, Greece, Spain & Paris
Feb - May 2024

Apologies, folks!
This blog has been on way too long a hiatus, for reasons too many and boring to go into here,

Tonight we have a scattershot of pix from the year to date. I hope that a few such pages will catch me up to the present. (Germany for the next couple of weeks, then on to Czechia and Austria, before settling in to Slovakia in late June.)

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Do baby mosquitos bother you?

The ocean makes beautiful abstract sand sculpture at Wailoaloa Beach, near Nadi, Fiji.

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Greece's second city by size, and first in the hearts of many.

Sax on the beach, so to speak.

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If my far-from-reliable Greek is correct, this is a Slow Eatery. If any of my Greek friends can improve on my translation, please do!

After a week in Thessaloniki, I spent a short week in Rhodes. You all know what Rhodes looks like by now. I couldn't resist an image from the harbor, that great mother lode of wiggle water pictures.

Sevilla, Spain
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The atrium of a classic Sevilla cheapie hotel. Sadly none of them are actually cheap any more. The exuberant tile work is a treat!

Bill of Fare at a local bar.
Which of these things is not consumable? Actually, none! The folks here consume them all avidly!

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Who can see a barber in Seville without thinking of Rossini's opera - and the classic Looney Tunes vamp on it?

Welcome to my shop!
Let me cut your mop!
Let me shave your crop!

The Tower of Gold
In colonial times, this riverside landmark was sailors' first sight of Sevilla as they returned from overseas.

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Worm's-eye-view of the cathedral and it's bell tower.

Some random street near the centro.

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Plaza de Espana
'Nuff said!

Paris, France
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As if the first coffee of the day weren't pleasure enough! This lush wisteria, and whatever the bright blue flowers are called that intersperse it ... the day was colder than I would have preferred, but the ambience made up for it.

A kid-scale hedge maze in the Coulee Verte of the 12th Arr.

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Next: Four Countries, a Zebra, and a Cat
Prev: Fiji & Sydney -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf