Thu 30.May.2024
Greece, Spain, France, Germany
imagery Apr - May 2024

Another kaleidoscopic page, whirling through April and May.
Here we go!
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Dang, I'm in a rut - starting off Thessaloniki, Greece again with the White Tower, and the nearby old-time sailing ship. Just like I did with the previous page! I'll plead that I visited the spot more than once.

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Some cafes near the waterfront have outdoor seating, glassed in against the often-sharp wind. This cat was taking advantage of that glass, to nap in the sun and out of the wind.

Covered streets in the market district.

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Rhodes, Greece,
old town.

Sevilla, Spain.
Plaza de Espana

Paris, France
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Inner Voice: You should have grouped all of the neighborhood local color pictures together in the previous page, and all of the Green Coulee ones in this page.

Me: Too late now! We just have to see a few more neighborhood color pix here, and then some more Green Belt. It won't kill us - not more than once, anyway. :)

"Original French Tacos"?!?
Your guess is as good as mine.

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The corner fish vendor.

"Vegetalized" eh?
And off-limits to dogs!

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While I was in France, there was a big flap in the state of Washington, over an escaped zebra(!) on the loose in the woods east of the Cascade mountains. So what do I find in southern Paris? Yup!

Onward to Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where geese make themselves at home on the Main riverfront.

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Opposite my hotel window, traditional north German slate tiling. This is a color photo - the scene really is black-and-white!

I don't usually count shopping malls as must-see travel destinations. Paris' Champs Elysees and Vienna's Kaerntnerstrasse might as well be airport duty-free areas for my money. OTOH, I do keep coming back to this zany piece of curved spacetime in the heart of Frankfurt's shopping district.

Next: Back Toward The Future
Prev: Launching A New Season -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf