Sun 09.Jun.2024
Greece, Spain, France, and Germany
imagery Apr & May 2024

OK, tonight's goal is to get unstuck from Greece, Spain, and France.
After this, nothing before Germany.
We may even soon get to Czechia, where I arrived today.
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Thessaloniki: a Byzantine-looking church above the old town.

Rhodes: water wiggling in the harbor.

Sevilla, Spain
The reflecting pool at the Plaza de Espana.

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Paris, France

A non-cheap, but very nice brunch cafe on Place D'Alesia.

What is Paris' nicest park? Ask three people, and you'll get five opinions.
I've recently discovered Parc Montsouris near the southern edge of the city. That said, I still keep coming back to Luxembourg Garden, built for a Queen of France, who was homesick for her native Florence, Italy.

Frankfurt am Main
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The River Main. (Pronounced "Mine".)

In lieu of a standard German Altstadt, Frankfurt famously has a cluster of steel-and-glass skyscrapers, giving it the nickname Mainhattan.

The old main square known as Roemerplatz. A popular photo-subject - I suspect because it is one of very few spots in this international city that looks obviously German.

Sign Spotting
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There is an election campaign underway. All the parties have placards promoting their candidates and/or policies. A rather strange one-issue party wants research for longevity; that is their only stick!

This one plays on the German national anthem Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit ("Unity, Justice, and Freedom") to say "Unity agsinst the Right for Freedom".

I don't know what this one is getting at - it could use more context. Hard to argue with as far as it goes.

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No argument there. The Greek letters could be pronounced "coffee", but that isn't how it is spelled in Greek.

Salzkammer restaurant - named for a famous region of Austria,
which must explain the Austrian national colors on the cow.

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Across the river from Frankfurt's bustling business district - a leafy, relaxed residential neighborhood. I tried sleeping over here this time, and I think I am sold on it.

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Outside my hotel window - traditional north-German slate tiling.

When I posted this dinner photo on Facebook, a sharp-eyed friend figured out that I must be in or near Frankfurt. He picked out the logo of a Frankfurt beer, and the colors of a football team!

Well spotted, my friend!

(We connected for a delightful afternoon, a week or so later in Nuernberg, but that is another story for another blog page.)

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All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf