Mon 15.Jul.2024
Esslingen, DE
imagery May 2024

A last couple of pictures.
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A cafe in Sachsenhausen, south of the river Main.

Photo of a photo-op, crossing the river.

Free Imperial City:
Esslingen am Neckar

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Sez Wikipedia:
In the Holy Roman Empire, the collective term free and imperial cities (German: Freie und Reichsstaedte ), briefly worded free imperial city (Freie Reichsstadt, Latin: urbs imperialis libera), was used from the fifteenth century to denote a self-ruling city that had a certain amount of autonomy and was represented in the Imperial Diet.

One of about two dozen such cities in Swabia was Esslingen, on the river Neckar.

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I learned to pronounce German in Esslingen. I had a summer job in a factory on the outskirts of town, making TV picture tubes. To this day, I speak German with a noticable Swabian accent, which I make no effort to get rid of; it covers up my American accent just fine.

Esslingen and the Neckar Valley are also known for white wines, especially rieslings. The slopes above the river are lined with vinyards.

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I actually learned my way around the Altstadt better this year than when I lived out on the outskirts (Oberesslingen) in 1965.

My neighborhood back then was industrial homely. The river itself, which I lived next to, smelled too much like a sewer for comfort.

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What a contrast today. The Neckar got de-sewaged and recalled to life in the 1970-80's.

Unlike the industrial 'burbs, the old medieval city center is a living treasure!

I gripe about how little of Frankfurt looks actually German. If you want German-looking at its most picturesque, the Esslinger Altstadt is hard to beat!

Free Imperial Sign Spotting
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Yes, those yellow signs do say No Parking!.

When I lived here, I once had a prescription compounded for me at the Apotheke am Fischbrunnen (Pharmacy by the Fish Fountain). Sure enough, it was on a square with a fish-shaped fountain.

I found the square again this year, even though the fountain now has no fish, and the pharmacy is nowhere to be found. Goodness knows how long it has been gone. This now-historic old sign does remain on one of the walls around the square.

Somebody with more time could probably dig up the history; I'll just let it be a mystery.

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A thoughtful touch in a hotel bathroom - floor heating. I'll betcha in those German winters that is well-apprectiated!


Your guess is as good as mine. It looks kind of like an eye chart. Is that a clue?

Later: A Finnish friend recognized the quote! It is from a well-known poem in Goethe's Faust. The subect is a medieval watchtower guard, and the peace he has made with his lonely but serene profession.

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Only for Dog Poop

Sounds awfully picky for dog poop. Do they re-cycle it?

Evocative street names in the Altstadt: Straw Street meets Milky Way

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Barefoot shoes?
If you say so...

Dolomites Ice Cream Cafe
Making our own for four generations.

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All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf